… as Knorr encourages us to change our eating habits
Knorr – one of the key sponsors of The Festive Plant Powered Show (FVPPS), is celebrating Vegan Month with a range of delicious, nutritious and easy-to-make plant-based recipes (see below). Its aim – to help South Africa move towards a better food future by providing stakeholders, government, NGOs, industry, retailers, media and consumers – with information about how and what the nation is eating and how it impacts our health.
Knorr spokesperson Chrislynn Ramdeo explains: “We need to change the plate of our nation because as Winston Churchill once said: healthy citizens are the greatest asset a country can have. Knorr is encouraging South Africans to choose to eat better by championing dietary diversity and more plant-based meals. Knorr wants to make healthy eating more accessible for all.”
To that end the Knorr purpose is to reinvent food for humanity in three ways, champion dietary diversity; encourage more plant- based meals; create more sustainable ways to grow and produce food.
Says Ramdeo: “The current South African plate consists of 41% starch and 26% meat with only 13% vegetables and the rest composed of fats and oils, dairy and legumes. This is consistent across all regions and demographics, and obviously most kids living at home are eating the same as their parents. We need to change that if we are to become a healthier nation.”
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